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The newly elected President of the NBP took the oath before the Lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament

The newly elected President of the NBP took the oath before the Lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament

Dodano: 2016-06-28

The President of the Polish National Bank, prof. Adam Glapiński, took the oath before the Lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament, assuming office as the head of the Central Bank for a 6-year term of office, replacing prof. Marek Belka.

The newly elected President of the Polish National Bank thanked the President Andrzej Duda for nominating him and the MPs who elected him. He also announced that he would meet all obligations,  and that he would defend the independence of the Central Bank and the value of the Polish Zloty. „I will not forget the obligation to support the government’s economic policy, as long as it does not conflict with maintaining  a stable level price, which is the basic objective of the NBP” – he declared. Glapiński also mentioned the necessity to maintain the stability of the financial system.

The candidacy of Adam Glapiński was announced by the President Andrzej Duda. The Lower Chamber of the Polish Parliament appointed him at a previous meeting, with votes in favor – 284, against – 124, and abstained – 34.

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