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What is photovoltaic installation insurance?

What is photovoltaic installation insurance?

Dodano: 2022-02-08

The interest in self-production of energy is growing year by year. According to the report of the Institute for Renewable Energy, at the end of May 2021, there were already 566 523 renewable energy consumers in our country who produced electricity in their own installations. Installation of photovoltaic panels is not only about the environment and economic considerations, but also a high cost. Therefore, there is a need to protect photovoltaics products against random events. This is what insurance for photovoltaic installations is for.

The offer of insurance companies is varied. Solar energy can be used by various entities, both natural persons and enterprises, as well as farms. Photovoltaic panels can be mounted on/next to residential or farm buildings or on the property where the insured residential or farm building is located. The insurance may also apply to solar farms. A photovoltaic installation can be insured together with the building on which it is installed as a technical device of the building or as a separate object. The scope of protection may include the risk of damage due to weather conditions (wind, hail, lightning strike), fire, as well as theft or vandalism.

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