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What if you make a mistake with a Blik transfer to your phone?

What if you make a mistake with a Blik transfer to your phone?

Dodano: 2022-05-27

Blik transfers to a phone number are common. It’s worth being careful while using them, because a mistake can mean problems.

The consequence of a mistake, which means entering a wrong phone number, will be sending a transfer by the bank to a different recipient. Moreover, we will not be able to check if the mistake was our fault, because the bank will not disclose the phone number to which we sent the money and we will not find full information in the application.

The inability to check the phone number is due to bank secrecy. In the complaint process, the customer will only get information whether the number was different from the one indicated. The bank emphasizes that the transaction identifier is the account number. The problem is, however, that the latter is visible only after transfer ordering.

The above situation concerns mBank clients. Representatives of the Polish Payment Standard system – the Blik operator, spoke about this issue. They pointed out that PPS receiving Blik transactions receives only encrypted data, and therefore is not able to associate them with specific people by name.

In such a situation a user can only file a complaint to the bank. It should contain information that the money was transferred to an incorrect account number. The bank will then inform the recipient that the money went to his account by mistake and demand a refund within 30 days. If the recipient fails to do so, the bank will provide the payer with the recipient’s details. Then it remains to pursue your rights in court.

So recovering money seems to be easy. In practice it is not so, for example because the bank will not provide the payer with the payee’s PESEL number. Without it, the case in a civil court will „die”, because it is impossible to effectively deliver the statement of claim.

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