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Warta enable their customers to notify a claim through Messenger

Warta enable their customers to notify a claim through Messenger

Dodano: 2017-09-20

Warta is the first insurer in Poland to enable their customers to notify a claim through Facebook’s app – Messenger. Therefore, customers owning any smartphone can get through the claims handling process without any phone calls or meetings with a claims handler.

‘Statistics confirm that Polish customers are becoming more and more mobile and they require the same from companies. In our view, a tipping point in customer-insurer relation is claims handling, which is why we are a forerunner in implementing mobile solutions in that matter. The app Warta Mobile continues to gain all the best ratings from the customers. Thanks to the Audasmart programme the insured are even able to calculate the amount of their compensation on their own and receive it in a bank account within a day. Our next step is to enable our customers to notify claims through Facebook, an app used by over 11 million Poles on a daily basis’ – says vice president of  Warta’s board Rafał Stankiewicz.

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