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Warta about school insurance and safe return to non-remote education

Warta about school insurance and safe return to non-remote education

Dodano: 2021-09-24
Publikator: press release

In connection with the beginning of the school year in a non-remote mode, the question arises about how best to take care of the safety of children at school. Insurance Company Warta S.A. informs that support for worried parents is the purchase of insurance that will help in case of contracting coronavirus, but also in case of various accidents that a child may suffer during the school year.

As Warta informs, the premium paid for the school insurance may not be sufficient due to its rather limited scope and lack of coverage of many situations. Most group accident insurance policies suggested by schools do not include many benefits or are concluded for a low sum insured, for example, 10,000 PLN. Therefore, the insurer advises to read the General Insurance Terms and Conditions before selecting a group policy offered by the school.

Warta S.A. reminds that group accident insurance at school is not obligatory and the final decision concerning the choice of insurance for the child belongs to the parents.

There are many flexible offers of school accident insurance on the market, which allow adjusting protection to the child’s needs. Parents can choose the scope and the period of the policy, thanks to which the protection can occur not only during the school year but also during vacations. The insurer informs that the accident insurance policy protects not only children up to 18 years old but also students whose return to full-time education is planned in October. The scope of student insurance is analogous, and additionally, civil liability can be purchased.

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