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VIG Poland plans to gain a 10 % share of the Polish insurance market

VIG Poland plans to gain a 10 % share of the Polish insurance market

Dodano: 2016-07-12

The Polish daily newspaper Puls Biznesu in an article titled ‘VIG aims for the jackpot’ announced that Vienna Insurance Group Polska wants to gain a minimum 10 % share of the Polish insurance market. The journal referred to Elisabeth Stadler’s speech. She is the insurance company’s new CEO, who recently visited Poland.

”We chose four markets where our share is too small. I would like VIG to have a minimum 10 % share in each of those markets in next 3-5 years. It will yield additionally about EUR 600-700 bln of premiums every year” Stadler said during her visit in Poland.

VIG is competing with PZU SA to be number 1 in Eastern Europe. Stadler’s visit emphasised the role of Poland in the company’s development strategy. Currently VIG is the fourth biggest insurance company in Poland. Its market share amounts to more than 6 %. 

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