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UOKiK: insurers have not acted in collusion

UOKiK: insurers have not acted in collusion

Dodano: 2018-07-03
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has concluded that there were no illegal activities in relation to the increase of prices in the motor insurance sector. The higher premiums were caused by the growing operating costs and deteriorating financial results of insurance companies, the UOKiK’s study found.

In 2016 UOKiK decided to conduct a market study in which it analyzed whether the increase in MPTL price could be due to price collusion.

UOKiK found there were economic factors causing the price hikes, such as the increase in the prices of repairs and medical services, as well as the fact that more Poles are driving abroad where compensations are higher than in Poland.

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