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Unanimous consent of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for Iwona Duda

Unanimous consent of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for Iwona Duda

Dodano: 2022-02-08
Publikator: press release

The Polish Financial Supervision Authority unanimously agreed that Iwona Duda should take the position of the president of the management board of PKO Bank Polski.

Iwona Duda was the vice-president of PKO BP from 23 October 2021. She also managed the work of the company’s management board. Previously, she was the president of Alior Bank.

The current president of PKO is an economist with over twenty years of experience in financial markets. Between 1998 – 2005 she was the director of the department at the Office for Supervision of Pension Funds, then at the Office of the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Commission. Between 2006 and 2008, she was the Deputy Chairman of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. Iwona Duda has performed numerous functions in financial market institutions, including deputy chairman of the Supervisory Board of BKG or a member of the Supervisory Board of the National Depository for Securities.

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