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Uber Eats will offer an insurance package to its couriers in Europe

Uber Eats will offer an insurance package to its couriers in Europe

Dodano: 2017-12-19

Uber Eats will offer an insurance package to its couriers in Europe, a move to address the conditions of “gig economy” workers.

Uber Eats will start offering all its couriers in Europe an insurance package with AXA with coverage for personal accidents, cash benefits for hospitalization, property damage and cover for third-party injury.

“Uber Eats couriers can now enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working on their own schedule with the peace of mind provided by additional security and protection,” said Filip Nuytemans, Uber Eats general manager for Europe. The couriers will be able to benefit from the policy whether they are fully independent or employed via a third party, and the company will pay for the insurance.

Uber Eats currently operates in Austria, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Britain. The plan will be introduced Jan. 8 next year, the company said. The plan offered by Uber Eats will reimburse couriers up to 7,500 euros ($8,847.75) for medical expenses from an accident that results in hospitalization or 3,000 euros if the hospitalization is for three consecutive nights or more. Couriers will also get a cash benefit for severe sickness or injury and cover for third party bodily injuries and property damage.

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