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Tomasz Ślagórski on the Board Management of KUKE

Tomasz Ślagórski on the Board Management of KUKE

Dodano: 2018-10-09

On 26 September 2018 a General Meeting appointed Tomasz Ślagórski to the position of vicepresident of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE) board.

Tomasz Ślagórski is a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw and postgraduate studies in accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics. He has also finished Risk Management Studies at the Warsaw Institute of Banking.

He has developed his professional career in the insurance market. Since 1997 he had worked at TUnŻ Warta Vita, where he had been responsible for the equity investments of the company. He joined KUKE in 2001 as a specialist. In the company he managed departments dealing with business areas such as controlling, asset management, risk management, actuary and reinsurance. Prior to being appointed as vicepresident, Tomasz Ślagórski was responsible for supervising of risk management in KUKE.

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