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The time of e-Invoices is coming

The time of e-Invoices is coming

Dodano: 2022-05-02

We have already addressed the issue of structured electronic invoices several times. We have published information on what structured electronic invoices are and how they are related to public procurement. We have also indicated that the use of electronic invoices is planned to become widespread.

According to the information available on the government website, work on the e-invoice system is still in progress. On the other hand, as of January 1, 2022, all entrepreneurs will be able to use e-invoices, which is associated with certain benefits.

It is worth noting, however, that in parallel to the introduced national system, there is the Electronic Invoicing Platform. It is used to transfer invoices and other structured documents between public procurement contractors and contracting authorities. However, it is currently uncertain what the fate of this system will be – whether it will be merged with the National e-Invoicing System.

As we pointed out earlier, currently the use of structured electronic invoices is voluntary, whether in public procurement or in settlements between entrepreneurs. However, as announced by the Ministry of Finance, the use of structured electronic invoices will be mandatory for entrepreneurs as of 1 January 2023.

The question arises – are we ready for such changes, what will it mean for entrepreneurs? Certainly, we will not avoid the introduction of structured electronic invoices, so it is worth preparing for the upcoming changes today.

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