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The Polish insurer KUKE insures first African contract of Vistal Gdynia S.A. worth PLN 50.9 million

The Polish insurer KUKE insures first African contract of Vistal Gdynia S.A. worth PLN 50.9 million

Dodano: 2016-10-11

Actively supporting the international expansion of Polish companies, Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE) insured a contract of Vistal Gdynia S.A. for the supply of harbour cranes to Algeria. The insurance coverage was provided under export credit insurance with State Treasury backing.

KUKE’s insurance cover will encompass the subcontract agreement that Vistal Gdynia S.A. is set to execute for the Spanish contractor. The agreement addresses the manufacture and supply of two harbour cranes of the Grab Unloader type, including their assembly and the performance of operational tests as part of the project of the upgrade of the port infrastructure in the city of Djen Djen in Algeria.

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