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The Insurance Guarantee Fund announced its data for 2015

The Insurance Guarantee Fund announced its data for 2015

Dodano: 2016-07-12

Compensation for drivers and family members injured in road accidents caused by uninsured or unidentified vehicle drivers amounted to nearly PLN 100 bln  the Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG) reported. This sum is 34 percent higher than in 2014.

“The submitted report concludes that drivers who have Motor TPL insurance were paid more than PLN 99.5 bln for accidents caused by uninsured or unidentified perpetrators in2015. This sum is the amount of compensation paid by UFG to people injured in these car accidents. Last year 6,900 claims resulting from these accidents were registered (an increase of 12 %).” they stated.

The number of cases concerning the lack of Motor TPL insurance increased according to UFG data. In 2015 85,000 such cases were registered. 80,000 of them ended in the driver being fined.

In Poland 0.7 percent of registered cars drive without Motor TPL insurance. The compensation paid by UFG is financed by Polish insurance companies which sell car and farm insurance, as well as by fines for lack of Motor TPL insurance.

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