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The Insurance Guarantee Fund about the consequences of not having mandatory third party liability in 2022

The Insurance Guarantee Fund about the consequences of not having mandatory third party liability in 2022

Dodano: 2022-01-10
Publikator: The Insurance Guarantee Fund

The Insurance Guarantee Fund has announced the number of fees that will be binding for the lack of valid obligatory third-party liability insurance next year.

The Council of Ministers has adopted a regulation, according to which the basis for calculating the penalty for lack of obligatory third party insurance is the amount of the minimum wage, set at 3 010 PLN. The fee will also depend on the type of vehicle owned and the length of the period during which it was not covered by compulsory third-party insurance. The new fee rates will be effective from 1 January 2022.

All vehicles that remain without mandatory coverage for up to 3 days will be subject to a penalty of 20 percent of the full insurance fee. Between 4 and 14 days, the penalty will be 50 percent of the fee, and above 14 days – its full value. In the case of third-party liability for farmers, the fee for lack of obligatory insurance of a vehicle will be 1/10 of the minimum remuneration.

The Insurance Guarantee Fund also informs that in the event of an exceptionally difficult financial situation, which must be justified, the institution may waive the fee partially or entirely.

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