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The first day of the Polish Insurance Association Congress

The first day of the Polish Insurance Association Congress

Dodano: 2016-05-13

On 10 May 2016 the 4th Polish Insurance Association Congress was held. Its motto was ‘Consumer – Regulator – Capital. How to ensure the value of the insurance market in  circumstances of constant change?’

The first day of the Congress was focused on listening to politicians, regulators and representatives of regulatory authorities, who were invited to take part in the Congress and open the meeting. The opinion of  senator Grzegorz Bierecki was especially important. According to him, the Polish Insurance Association (PIA) should become a club, which will make an impact on the shape of new, market regulations. Being an insurer and a member of PIA does not mean only privileges but also duties. According to the senator, nowadays many issues in the insurance market are dependent on agents’ activities, so this has caused a reputation crisis in the whole industry. Bierecki asked an important question about costs which can be borne by the consumer. There was a very interesting comment about agriculture insurance. He said that it is necessity to substitute  welfare after an accident with insurance.

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