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The EDPB welcomes comments on the Guidelines 4/2019 on Data Protection by Design and by Default

The EDPB welcomes comments on the Guidelines 4/2019 on Data Protection by Design and by Default

Dodano: 2019-11-26

The comments should be sent to the European Data Protection Board by 16th January 2020.

The Guidelines 4/2019 on Article 25 Data Protection by Design and by Default were adopted during the November plenary meeting of the Board. The document aims at clarifying how to interpret Article 25 of the GDPR in practice and the consistent application of the GDPR in this area.

The EDPB welcomes comments on the Guidelines 4/2019. The comments should be sent to the European Data Protection Board by 16th January 2020.

Stakeholders are welcome to submit their comments via a form made available at the EDPB website:

More information on the Guidelines is to be found at the Board’s page:

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