The establishment of the HIC (HEALF INSURANCE CARD) has been planned for a long time. The card should be used for example to confirm a patient’s visit to a doctor. It would also provide access to the history of the patients illnesses and the so – called, data rescue. A combination of card payment with HIC is currently planned. The Deputy Minister of Health said, that the idea systems from a desire of Polish banks to introduce a new billing system and translation to a new system, which would involve to possibly of providing customers with new cards with payment functions for all user of the market. If they could expand their functionality by identifying feature associated with the area of health, a significant proportion of identyfing features associated with the area of health, a significant proportion of citizens would receive cards with the new profile. Thanks to cooperation with banks, new tools for identification and authentication would be issued efficiently and quickly to people, perhaps even during this government’s term of office. With the consent of the patient, info such as blood type, any heath issues or health information necessary in emergencies, etc. could be put on the card. The introduction of the card would allow patients convenient access to their medical history, but especially this would entail savings for the state due to the elimination of for example fraud, a reporting benefits paid by the National Health Fund benefits to patients who did not receive them at all, or fictitious benefits to patients who have received other services, usually cheaper.
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