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Telematic services from Link4 have completed one year

Telematic services from Link4 have completed one year

Dodano: 2018-05-22

A year ago Link4 started its telematics program “Kasa wraca”. Its participants can get a bonus for safe driving. During the last 12 months they have generated PLN 380k. The winner earned PLN 1.2k.

The program collects information about the driving style of its participants such as covered distance, destinations and smoothness. The system classified drivers into several profiles with defined levels of bonus. The award can be used as a discount on MTPL insurance or premium refund. So far 94% of drivers have decided to continue their participation in the program.

“Our clients have a positive impression. Promoting safe driving is our aim but we also try to build regular relations with our clients, who want an easy and intuitive contact with the insurer”, said Agnieszka Wrońska, Link4 CEO.

15k drivers have used the Kasa Wraca program. They have covered 22m km. Clients have access to their data so they can see information about their driving style as well as any obtained bonus.

“New technology makes sense if it meets clients’ expectations. For this we assumed that we have to be open to our clients’ opinions about the program and listen to their suggestions. Thanks to this we have a well-designed product which is adjusted to its users and meets their needs”, Wrońska added.

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