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Supreme Court to comment on the problem of compensation for vegetative states

Supreme Court to comment on the problem of compensation for vegetative states

Dodano: 2018-02-13

On 27 March 2018 the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland is going to answer a legal question prepared by the Financial Ombudsman about compensation to family members of heavy injured people in car accidents.

In April 2017 the Financial Ombudsman directed to the Supreme Court an application to pass a resolution whether family members of a heavily injured person can submit a claim on this basis.

As the Financial Ombudsman indicated in the request, Polish courts pass different judgements in these cases. The Ombudsman wants the Supreme Court to decide whether family members of heavily injured people can receive compensation from MTPL insurance of the responsible party.

The Court decision will have an impact on the motor insurance sector and the price level of MTPL insurance.

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