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Summary of latest interesting insurance issues (the first half of July 2017)

Summary of latest interesting insurance issues (the first half of July 2017)

Dodano: 2017-07-25

The Appeal Court in Katowice in its judgment of 9 May 2017 (ref. no I ACa 1160/16) ruled that the amount of compensation for an injury caused by an accident should be determined on the basis of the intensity of physical and psychological suffering and the extent of permanent damage to health.

A parliamentary interpellation on policy-investments was addressed to the Minister of Justice. The enquiry concerned the Ministry of Justice’s act on the policy-investments issue.

At the Ministry of Finance, recent work on a draft amendment to the Oversight of the Financial Market is under way. It is expected to be consulted in the coming weeks. The aim of the project is to increase the security of financial market participants benefiting from financial services provided via the Internet.

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