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Summary of latest interesting insurance issues

Summary of latest interesting insurance issues

Dodano: 2016-11-22

The Director of the Tax Chamber in Bydgoszcz in its individual interpretation of 2 August 2016 (no ITPP1 / 4512-409 / 16 / BS) stated that the services relating to acquiring customers for agent acting on behalf of the insurance company in order to conclude an insurance contract, do not constitute stand-alone services, and therefore, as insurance intermediation services, are exempt from VAT.

The Polish Insurance Association has published a report titled „The motor insurance market in Poland. Review of the data from the years 2013-2015”, which includes an overview of the results of the motor insurance market in the European Union, as well as data on traffic safety in the EU. The most extensive part of the report provides an overview of the Polish market, including detailed annual results and technical results and indexes.

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