On 25 May 2021 the Joint Chambers of the Civil Chamber and the Extraordinary Review and Public Affairs Chamber were considered the motion of the First President of the Supreme Court of 7 October 2020.
In reference to revealed discrepancies in the interpretation of legal provisions as performed by the Supreme Court, on 7 October 2020 the First President of the Supreme Court submitted a motion for resolution in following legal issue by the Joint Chambers:
‘In a situation where, as a result of an unlawful act (a tort), a grievous bodily harm or health disorder has been caused, with the consequence of the inability to establish or continue a typical family relationship, are the relatives of the injured party entitled to financial compensation?
The session was chaired by the First President of the Supreme Court. During the session the papers of the Judges were heard and a substantive discussion was held. The Joint Chambers concluded that the legal issue has grounds for a resolution. One of the draft resolutions was put to the vote, but this was not adopted. Work on the content of the resolution will continue at the next session.