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Revolut has 170k users in Poland

Revolut has 170k users in Poland

Dodano: 2018-08-21

The British fintech Revolut have noted 170k registered users in Poland at the end of July. It is 20k more than the company had supposed.

The company said that in June and July the number of app downloads and new account registrations was over 30 percent higher than in April and May. 

Revolut started to run its business in March. At the end of July it had 170k registered users.  The company offers a prepaid card and an app to exchange currencies at interbank rates. The fintech assumed that in Poland it would get 150k users by the end of the year.

April and May brought Revolut around 35k new app users in Poland but in June and July the number grew by over 30% and the firm gained 50k new users.

In Europe Revolut has over 2 million customers. Poland is the second – the biggest emerging market for Revolut.  

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