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Redirection to fake e-banking login pages

Redirection to fake e-banking login pages

Dodano: 2022-12-07

Credit Agricole Bank is warning its customers. The above relates to the activities of fraudsters who buy out fake advertisements leading to fake e-banking login pages.

Customers who are most susceptible to this mechanism may be those who, in order to log in to their bank, do not manually enter the bank’s address in the browser’s bar, but use a search engine. In Google, for example, they type in the name of the bank or the name with a note 'login’.

The first result that appears may be a fraudulent ad that leads to a page that very closely resembles the bank’s website. In reality, however, it is created by scammers and if the customer accesses the fake site and enters the required details – they could lose their money.

Credit Agricole warns people to always check the address of the website. You should also pay attention to whether the correct security image is displayed and the password is masked. In addition, fraudulent websites may ask for further data, including authorisation codes, with which criminals may want to, for example, activate a mobile app or add a payment card to a digital wallet. The bank therefore strongly advises against using a search engine to find your banking login page.

Instead, it is advisable to use the 'Login’ button on the bank’s home page, add the relevant login page to so-called favourites in the browser or set up a shortcut to it on the desktop.

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