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PZU Zdrowie purchases another medical establishment

PZU Zdrowie purchases another medical establishment

Dodano: 2018-01-23

The insurer PZU’s unit PZU Zdrowie has taken over the medical establishment Centrum Medyczne Sw. Lukasza in the city of Czestochowa in the Slaskie province, the largest specialist medical services provider in the region.

“Centrum Medyczne Sw. Lukasza has been a PZU main partner in Czestochowa for years. So this establishment was a natural acquisition target. The acquired company is well known by patients for its high quality services and its medical staff. We have registered the growth of health insurance sales in this region. This transaction will strengthen our position”, explained Piotr Lizukow, Strategy and Business Development Manager, responsible for achieving the acquisition.

“This transaction is an element of the effective fulfilment of our development strategy, which envisages consistent building of in-house medical establishments in large and medium sized towns. It ensures guaranteeing the provision of services and medical aid for our clients, which is PZU Zdrowie’s competitive advantage” said Julita Czyżewska, CEO PZU Zdrowie.

On 9 January 2018 the top Polish insurer PZU presented its Updated Strategy and Implementation Plan for 2017-2020. The insurer wants to reach PLN 1 bln in revenues in 2020. Currently the company manages 50 of its own medical establishments and cooperates with 2,000 institutions in 50 Polish cities.

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