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PZU SA has joined the United Nations Global Compact

PZU SA has joined the United Nations Global Compact

Dodano: 2022-12-07

PZU SA has become a new member of the United Nations Global Compact. It is the world’s largest initiative supporting sustainable business.

According to the PZU Group’s Strategy 2021-2024, the company is an active participant in the green energy transition. The Group wants to achieve success based on modern business models that incorporate elements of sustainable development and set standards in this respect in the financial market.

In the words of a PZU Życie’s board member: „We support a low-carbon economy, invest in renewable energy sources and help customers and business partners on their journey to zero-carbon by offering green insurance products or ESG-based investment funds.” PZU’s accession to the United Nations Global Compact is a natural step towards jointly tackling the effects of climate change and the challenges facing the global community.

Let us recall that the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) is an integral part of the UN system with its headquarters in New York, operating in over 160 countries. It is the world’s largest business initiative for sustainable development, inaugurated by the UN Secretary-General in 2000. It brings together companies cooperating with the UN and developing strategies and actions based on UN policies, in particular on the Sustainable Development Goals and the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact in four areas: human rights, labour standards, environment protection and anti-corruption.

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