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PZU, Link4 and Compensa are at the head of motor insurance data quality ranking

PZU, Link4 and Compensa are at the head of motor insurance data quality ranking

Dodano: 2018-02-20
Publikator: ​The Insurance Guarantee Fund

The Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG) has prepared a ranking of data about MTPL insurance quality which is transmitted to UFG’s database by insurers. PZU, Link4 and Compensa are the leaders of this specification.

Every year UFG shows the ranking of motor insurers prepared on the basis of data about motor insurance transmitted to UFG. This year 18 insurers are classified on the ranking.

Positions 1 to 10 were taken by: PZU, Link4, Compensa, Concordia, Warta, InterRisk, Ergo Hestia, Axa, TUW TUW and Aviva.

At the end of 2017 in the UFG’s database was information about MTPL insurance of 23.7 mln vehicles (the year before 22.9 mln) and Fully Comprehensive insurance of 5.3 mln vehicles (in 2016: 5 mln).During the last year insurers directed 316.6 mln questions about car insurance history and 284.9 mln questions about their vehicle damages.

As UFG stated in its brief, the high quality of the motor insurance database is in the interest of insurance companies as well as their clients. The information is useful in the process of estimating motor insurance prices.

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