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Popularity of financial services

Popularity of financial services

Dodano: 2022-07-07

The World Bank has just published a report on the popularity of financial services. The report shows that Poland is catching up with the most developed countries.

According to the report, 96 percent of Poles have a bank account, which is an increase of 26 p.p. compared to 2011. A bank account is held by 100 percent of Germans, 99 percent of French and Norwegians and 95 percent of Czechs.

84 percent of Poles over the age of 15 have a payment card – debit or credit. Compared to 2011, this is an increase of 41 percent. As for other countries, 98 percent of Norwegians, 97 percent of Germans, 91 percent of French and 90 percent of Czechs have such cards.

The survey methodology and other statistics can be found at the following link: 

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