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Polish Society of Actuaries

Polish Society of Actuaries

Dodano: 2016-09-20

The Polish Society of Actuaries is a voluntary, self-governed, permanent association with non-profit goals. The Society’s activity is based on the voluntary work of its members. The Society operates for the public good and for the professional group of actuaries.

The goals of the Society’s activities are:

  • educating actuaries,
  • promoting the actuarial profession,
  • developing actuarial science,
  • representing actuaries as a professional group.

The Society realises its goals by the following means:

  • self-training, training and examination activity,
  • organisation of educational activity and publishing,
  • cooperation with foreign actuarial societies,
  • cooperation with Polish and foreign insurance, educational and scientific institutions,
  • cooperation with Polish and foreign legislative and executive institutions.

The Polish Society of Actuaries plays an important role in promoting the actuarial profession and education by organizing seminars and supporting  annual summer school activities at Warsaw University.

The Authorities of the Society comprise: the General Assembly, the Board and the Audit Committee. On the Board of the Polish Society of Actuaries are: Jacek Skwierczyński – President, Łukasz Delong- Secretary, Renata Onisk – Treasurers, Witold Florczak, Wojciech Mojżuk, Sławomir Sadowski and Jacek Wiśniewski. Krzysztof Bukowski is the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee. Above him in the Supervisory Committee are: Cezary Czerniawski, Witkor Bandkowski, Agnieszka Potapczuk and Marcin Zwara. The Accreditation Committee consist of: Łukasz Delong – The Chairman of the Accreditation Committee, Wojciech Otto, Piotr Szlenk, Andrzej Kwasowiec and Adam Pasternak-Winiarski.

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