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Polish airports with losses. One of the reasons is growing costs of compensation for noise

Polish airports with losses. One of the reasons is growing costs of compensation for noise

Dodano: 2018-08-21

Only 5 airports made profits after 2017. Others have complained of low rates from carriers and growing compensation for noise.

Profits were showed by airports in: Warsaw (+320m PLN), Cracow (+62m PLN), Gdansk (+28m PLN), Katowice (+12m PLN) and Wroclaw (+9m PLN). Their profits were generated by a high number of passengers who paid airport charges, and non-air activities like parking fees and renting of service space.

Other airports’ problems are caused by a lower number of passengers. According to analyses, income is generated if an airport services more than  1 mln passengers a year. So all regional airports in Poland noted losses at the end of 2017:  Radom (-20 m PLN), Lublin (-31 m PLN), Rzeszów (-15 m PLN), Bydgoszcz (-9,9 m PLN) and Szczecin (-10 m PLN).

On the other hand, as data from the airport in Poznan shows, these rules do not work in every case. The airport serviced 1.8m passengers last year, but its financial results amounted to -12m PLN. According to Mariusz Wiatrowski, the airport CEO, the losses were generated by the high sum of compensation paid on account of noise around the airport. As he said, other Polish airports will have to compete with the problem of high compensation soon.

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