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Poland`s competition Authority approves concentration of pension funds

Poland`s competition Authority approves concentration of pension funds

Dodano: 2016-09-06

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection approves the concentration of pension funds.

Aegon Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne (Aegon PTE) will acquire part of the property of Nordea Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne (Nordea PTE). Both companies manage open pension funds (Aegon OFE, Nordea OFE). Under the terms of the deal, Aegon PTE will assume the management of Nordea OFE and acquire the related tangible and intangible assets of Nordea PTE, including its know-how, databases and archives. Once the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) has cleared the deal, Nordea OFE will be liquidated, and Nordea OFE members transferred to Aegon OFE.

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