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Poland climbs to 36th place in the Global Competitiveness Report

Poland climbs to 36th place in the Global Competitiveness Report

Dodano: 2016-10-04
Publikator: World Economic Forum

Poland has improved its economic competitiveness, climbing five notches to 36th place in the Global Competitiveness Report released by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Poland’s biggest assets in terms of its competitiveness are the size of its market (21th place), followed by its level of higher education and training (37th). According to the study, Poland is not so impressive in terms of innovation (60th) and labour market efficiency (79th). Tax regulations were named by respondents who take part in the survey as the most problematic factor for doing business in Poland, followed by restrictive labour regulations and “policy instability”.

The Global Competitiveness Report assesses the competitiveness of 138 economies. This year, Switzerland, Singapore and the United States maintained their position as the world’s three most competitive economies.

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