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Piotr Ruszowski at the head of Mondial Assistance

Piotr Ruszowski at the head of Mondial Assistance

Dodano: 2022-01-18

Piotr Ruszowski was appointed President of Mondial Assistance on January 1st. He succeeded Tomasz Frączek, who had managed the company for 22 years.

So far, the new CEO has held the position of a Member of the Board and Director of Sales and Marketing. He has been working for Mondial Assistance since 2011.

Tomasz Frączek is the President of the Board of AWP Polska Sp. z o.o. and CEO of AWP P&C S.A. branch in Poland. He started creating Mondial Assistance structures in 1999, then under the Elvia brand, which he headed until the end of 2021.

Mondial Assistance is the first company in Poland to sell an online insurance policy. It was also the first company to abandon the need to „physically” sign the T&Cs and collect them in paper form. Together with Pekao S.A., in 2003, Mondial Assistance Sp. z o.o. proposed bancassurance solutions, which were practically unknown on the Polish market at that time.

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