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Piotr Karda leaves the board of InterRisk

Piotr Karda leaves the board of InterRisk

Dodano: 2017-11-28

Piotr Karda is leaving the board of InterRisk as the result of a bilateral agreement. Karda was a member of the insurer’s board from July 2016. He supervised over the sales department in the company. His duties have been taken over by Piotr Narloch.

“I thank Piotr for the cooperation and his impact on sales development and simultaneously I wish him good luck in undertaking new vocational challenges” says Franz Fuchs, the chairman of the supervisory board of InterRisk.

Piotr Karda has been connected with the insurance branch for 20 years. He began his career in PZU. He has worked also in Allianz and Raiffeisen Polbank.

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