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OC increases inevitable

OC increases inevitable

Dodano: 2016-04-20

Multiagency insurance CUK prepared calculations which show that increased the average cost of premiums OC. At the beginning of April amounted to 667 zł, ie. By 7.6 percent more than in January and about 36 per cent more than in early 2015. Some insurance rates increased by 50-60 percent.

– Regardless of the driver of the vehicle or the city, prices in the past year and in the first quarter. 2016., Went up. In general, last year recorded a growth of 20-30 percent. It must be remembered that this is an average. For some insurance companies, prices rose by as much as 50-60 percent. – Says Maciej Kuczwalski expert CUK Insurance.

Experts say that OC increases are a consequence of last year’s price war, which resulted in insurance companies have had significant losses or a reduction in profits in property companies at the end of 2015. At last year’s weak performance was also affected by the guidelines of the Financial Supervision, which forced the insurance companies to raise the quality of claims handling, which increased costs for the companies. In addition, last year was a record in terms of the amount of benefits paid for damages incurred as a result of traffic accidents. Insurance Guarantee Fund has estimated that the amount of benefits increased by 12 per cent., That is in 2015. Insurance companies paid a total of EUR 1.3 billion zł compensation, even though the number of persons injured or killed as a result of road accidents decreased by 10 percent. against the previous year.

Rates of liability insurance policies can continue to grow. Currently, the Financial Supervision Commission is working on recommendations on the process of determining and paying compensation for non-pecuniary damage of motor vehicle owners. The document is intended to harmonize the market and the system of compensation payments. A draft recommendation to be prepared by 30 June. Insurance companies, according to current projections, would have until the end of the year to implement the new recommendations. There is also likely that in the near future again, the government will work on the so-called. Religa tax. It assumes tax policies sold OC, which would be passed to fund emergency departments. Another idea of ​​the government include the introduction of a clearing obligation damages on the basis of invoices.

Experts believe that making up for last year’s losses by insurance companies actually require raising premiums OC for an additional 10 percent. New regulations in this market significantly accelerate insurers’ decisions as to the subsequent introduction of further rises. On the other hand, the Insurance Guarantee Fund data show that on Polish roads is moving less and less cars without compulsory OC, although there are still about 150 thousand.

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