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New rules aim to ease social insurance burden on Polish firms

New rules aim to ease social insurance burden on Polish firms

Dodano: 2020-02-04

New regulations aiming to cut social insurance contributions for small firms come into force on 1st February. Government officials have hailed the move as the latest in a string of steps to make life easier for the country’s businesspeople.

The planned reduction is designed to benefit small and fledgling businesses whose annual before-tax earnings do not exceed PLN 120,000. The new rules are expected to benefit some 320,000 small businesses and cost public coffers around PLN 1.3 billion this year and up to PLN 1.5 billion in subsequent year.

The Polish President Andrzej Duda in August signed into law a series of measures aiming to reduce the regulatory burden on firms, and improve the ease of doing business. Earlier that month the president greenlighted legislation to introduce a new type of easy-to-run business amid efforts to encourage entrepreneurship.

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