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New hourly minimum wage signed into law in Poland

New hourly minimum wage signed into law in Poland

Dodano: 2016-08-23

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda on 5 August signed into law an amendment that sets the hourly minimum wage at PLN 12 from 2017. After a planned indexation next year, the minimum rate will effectively rise to PLN 13.

According to the bill which was signed on 5 August, the amount will be indexed each year, depending on the increase in minimum wage.

Employers who are caught paying their workers less than the national minimum could face fines of between PLN 1,000 and PLN 30,000 (EUR 225-6,700). The minimum wage may be raised in the future, depending on the minimum full-time job rates. Minimum wage rises will be determined through consultation with the Council for Social Dialogue, a trilateral body comprising employers, trade unions and the government.

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