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New entity on the medical insurance market

New entity on the medical insurance market

Dodano: 2016-06-20

A new entity has emerged on the insurance market – TUW Medicum. It is an insurance cooperative, established by Polish companies operating in the pharmaceutical sector and by Enel-Med. According to Puls Biznesu, the cooperative at first plans to distribute insurance dedicated to companies operating on the medical and pharmaceutical market, and then expand to other segments of the insurance market.

Adam Rozwadowski, chairman of Enel-Med, during his conversation with Puls Biznesu, stated that TUW Medicum was created due to the need for a better management of funds of companies from the medical sector which are spent on insurance. The founders of TUW realized that “having your own insurance company will be more profitable than using the services of commercial insurers”, we can read in an article titled “TUW Medicum will insure the health of Poles The future plans of the company are concentrated on taking over the assets of the companies which founded the TUW. Apart from this, in the offer of the Company we can already find, among others: a payment tender security deposit guarantee for pharmaceutical wholesalers which take part in tenders for public healthcare providers. According to Dziennik, the first contracts have already been concluded. TUW also plans to offer guarantees for the performance of contracts or removal of defects – dedicated to entities which win a tender.

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