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New development tools for agents from Allianz

New development tools for agents from Allianz

Dodano: 2017-12-05

Allianz has started its new program for exclusive agents and has opened more than 100 new distributions points in Poland.

The exclusive distribution chain of 2,500 agents is a very important Allianz sales channel. The changes are being implemented to increase the growth pace of business and strengthening of the brand position on the market.

“Allianz is one of the prominent insurers in Poland. We want to grow and develop ourself and therefore the changes in our exclusive distribution chain were necessary. The requirement of adjusting our business to IDD (Insurance Distribution Directive)  had accelerated the decision of implementing the new development distribution model”, says Krzysztof Szypuła, Vice-president of the Allianz’s Board.

The new agents program consists of:

  • attractive salary system  
  • better recognition on the market
  • improvement of the offer attractive

The changes will concern product issues, agents’ support and internal sale processes. The program is an investment in Allianz’s distribution channel, its brand and agents support system.   

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