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MetLife launched new digital versions of insurance policies

MetLife launched new digital versions of insurance policies

Dodano: 2018-08-07

MetLife’s clients who buy one of their individual life insurance products will receive the policy in a digital version. 

The insurer send the document to the client’s e-mail and publishes it on the MetLife online service for customers. Additionally, clients will receive information about benefits, guidance about claims settlement process and how to contact the insurer and an agent.

“We know how important and valuable is time so we launched this new solution to improve the convenience of our clients. So far we have sent insurance policies by registered mail. Clients sometimes have to go to a post office to collect the document. Currently the policy is delivered to the client’s email address on the same day. We have also changed the policy’s draft form  in to one form for all insurance products. It is consistent with the information about benefits which is passed onto clients each year”, said Agata Lem-Kulig a board member and the manager of the operation department in MetLife.

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