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KUKE CEO: added value of insurance industry will amount to 2% of Polish GDP in 2018

KUKE CEO: added value of insurance industry will amount to 2% of Polish GDP in 2018

Dodano: 2018-08-28

According to Janusz Władyczak the President of Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE), the added value generated by the insurance industry will maintain at the level of 2% of Polish GPD in this year.

“The added value shows the scale of the insurance industry’s impact on the economy. In this year it is PLN 35.9b (2% of GDP). The sector is strong, so we expect that in the whole year this level will be stable. Insurers and banks are the basis of the economy’s functioning, in which enterprises feel secure running their business”, said Władyczak.

As he stated, the Polish Insurance Association’s data shows that in 2017 company assets worth PLN 488b were insured. 77% of them belonged to Polish companies. This number is the equivalent of one quarter of Polish GDP.         

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