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Knowledge of Polish entrepreneurs about GDPR is superficial

Knowledge of Polish entrepreneurs about GDPR is superficial

Dodano: 2018-02-13
Publikator: Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data

The Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data (GIODO) has checked the level of Polish entrepreneurs’ preparation for the application of GDPR regulations on 25 May 2018. The results of the research are to help in continuation of educational and informational activities about the reform. 507 firms took part in the GIODO research.

The research’s results show that Polish entrepreneurs have superficial knowledge about General Data Protection Regulation, especially about the rules of application of the new provisions. “The majority of the research’s participants do not know the reasons of the data protection regulations change. Also they are not aware of the scope of the reform changes, which should be implemented in their firms”, we read in those GIODO’s report. 20% of the surveyed do not know the date of the GDPR application. On the other hand the majority does not have any problem with providing the amount of financial sanctions for non-compliance with the new provisions of data protection.

Moreover, more than half of the research’s participants proved their knowledge about the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data institution and its tasks. But a worse situation is in the scope of data protection practices which are used in their organizations. “Nowadays more than half the surveyed entrepreneurs care about data protection by information obligation realization (59%) and internal security policy (55%). Moreover, 30% of organizations employ an ABI (an administrator of information safety)”, states the report.

According to the research’s results, Polish enterprises are on the initial stage of preparation for GDPR application. “Currently more than half of the firms have acquainted themselves with the new provisions. One third of those surveyed have taken the first steps to identify and analyze which changes are necessary in their organizations. Six months before the GDPR application 38% of companies have not undertaken any preparation”.

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