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KNF: Recommendations on payment of benefits for personal damages in MTPL policies to be published soon

KNF: Recommendations on payment of benefits for personal damages in MTPL policies to be published soon

Dodano: 2016-05-20

During the IVth Convention of the Polish Chamber of Insurance in Sopot, Dagmara Wieczorek-Bartczak, the Director of Insurance and Pensions Inspections department of the Office Of the Polish Supervisory Commission informed that the Commission’s work on recommendations for insurance companies on the process of determining, and payment of benefits, for non-property damages in MTPL claims is drawing to an end. The first project of this document was presented in February. The Commission wants to unify the benefit payment system. In the Commission’ view, the amounts of compensation and benefits which are currently unpredictable pose a threat to the stability of the market.

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