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Jan Emeryk Rościszewski Appointed President of the Management Board of PKO Bank Polski

Jan Emeryk Rościszewski Appointed President of the Management Board of PKO Bank Polski

Dodano: 2021-06-18

The Supervisory Board of PKO Bank Polski appointed Jan Emeryk Rościszewski President of the Bank’s Management Board on the condition of seeking the consent of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. Until such consent has been secured, Jan Emeryk Rościszewski will manage the work of the management board of PKO Bank Polski. Jan Emeryk Rościszewski has been working for PKO Bank Polski since 2006; he has managed the Retail Market Segment and supervised the capital group companies. The Supervisory Board also appointed Marcin Eckert to the position of vice-president of the management board of Bank. Both decisions of the Bank’s Supervisory Board entered into force as of the date of their adoption, i.e. on 8 June 2021.

“I feel greatly distinguished and at the same time challenged. I accept the appointment with humility and awareness of the huge liability that is related to managing an organisation of such scale. In the nearest perspective, we will focus on completing the current strategy and working out the next one. Continuation of digitisation is the proper path that the Bank should follow”, said Jan Emeryk Rościszewski, Vice-resident of the Management Board of PKO Bank Polski, managing the work of the Management Board.

Since July 2016 Jan Emeryk Rościszewski has been managing the Retail Market Segment in PKO Bank Polski, servicing 11 million clients. It is in this segment of the Bank’s operation that the effects of the digital transformation, which is systematically changing the PKO Bank Polski Group into an agile organisation equipped with state-of-the-art technological solutions, are clearly visible. In consequence of this transformation, at the present moment almost 3/4 of clients use the Bank’s services via remote channels.

He also held positions in the supervisory boards of companies forming a part of the PKO Bank Polski’s Capital Group: PKO Leasing, PKO Faktoring, PKO Bank Hipoteczny, PKO TFI, PKO Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń and PKO Życie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń.

Jan Emeryk Rościszewski appointed to the position of the Bank’s President, is a graduate of the Faculty of Humanities at the Catholic University of Lublin and Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. He holds the Executive MBA diploma and insurance broker’s certificate. Rościszewski also completed numerous trainings in the area of finance, insurance and management in France, Great Britain and Poland.

He has been holding key managerial positions in Polish and foreign institutions in the last three decades. Between 1990 and 1991, he worked in France for AXA Banque and AXA International, whereas between 1991 and 1993 for Groupe Azur. Between 1993 and 1996, he served as member of the Management Board of TU Azur Ostoja and TUnŻ Azur Życie. From 1996, he worked for the French BNP Paribas Group: between 1998 and 12016 he served as president in Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie Cardif Polska and between 2001 and 2016 as director general of Cardif Assurance Risques Divers in Poland.

He was also vice-chairman of the Audit Committee of the Polish Chamber of Insurance and chairman of the Supervisory Board of Pocztylion-Arka PTE, vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of Pocztowa Agencja Usług Finansowych, member of the Audit Committee of the Polish Chamber of Insurance and a member of the Supervisory Board of BBI Development NFI.

At the beginning of the 1980s, Jan Emeryk Rościszewski was active in the Primate’s Aid Committee. He is a Knight of the Order of Malta and holds the position of hospitaller of the Polish Association of the Order of Malta. Rościszewski was also decorated with the Polonia Restituta Officer’s Cross and Bene Merito of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for reinforcing Poland’s position on the international arena.

He is the author and co-author of history books and papers devoted to finance and management. He devotes his free time to sailing, horseback riding and skiing.

The Supervisory Board also appointed Marcin Eckert to the position of a vice-president of the management board of PKO Bank Polski. Marcin Eckert is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School. He also completed the Leadership Academy for Poland.

Between 28 March 2019 and 7 June 2021, Eckert served as a member of the management board on PZU. From 1 May 2019, he was also a member of the management board of PZU Życie. He worked for the PZU Group since 2017, and held the position of executive director for corporate affairs. In the PZU Group, he was responsible for the strategy and projects, the administrative office, the corporate supervision office, the supervision office with respect to the foreign companies and the IT Division. Between 2018 and 2020, he was vice-president of the Supervisory Board of Alior Bank and chairman of the Supervisory Board of PZU Zdrowie. Subsequently, until 7 June 2021 Eckert served as vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bank Pekao. He currently sits on the Supervisory Board of Develia.

Since 2001, Marcin Eckert has been working as the legal counsel. His area of expertise include commercial law, tax law and labour law. Before work in the PZU Group, he held the position of Senior Associate in Bird & Bird Szepietowski i Wspólnicy (leader of the Benefits & amp; Compensation practice). He also worked for TGC Advisers Sp. z o.o. (Tax Department head), Mazars Audyt Sp. z o.o. (Legal and Tax Department head) and Ernst & Young (Senior Manager).

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