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Insurers profits grew to PLN 3.8 bln in H1 2018

Insurers profits grew to PLN 3.8 bln in H1 2018

Dodano: 2018-09-25

The net profit of insurers operating on the Polish market increased to PLN 3.81 bln in H1 2018, a 0.2 percent y/y growth, said the Polish Insurance Association (PIU). Gross written premiums amounted to PLN 32.1 bln, up by 1.7 percent y/y. The gross value of claims and benefits paid out stood at PLN 20.7 billion up by 5 percent y/y.

“The first half of the year was marked by large losses in agriculture, hence compensation in this group of insurance increased by as much as 60 percent. Agricultural insurance, in the context of climate change, is one of the most important challenges for the insurance market for the coming years,” said Andrzej Maciążek, the vice-president of PIU.

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