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Insurers access to the data on fines and penalty points

Insurers access to the data on fines and penalty points

Dodano: 2022-06-30
Publikator: Insurance Guarantee Fund

From Friday, June 17, new regulations are in force. Under them, motor insurers have received access to information about fines and penalty points.

These data will be taken into account when calculating the insurance premium for policies for car owners. Thus, the postulates made for years by the insurance industry in Poland have been fulfilled.

The said powers have been granted by the Act of 2 December 2021 amending the Road Traffic Law and certain other acts. The act introduced amendments to the Act of 11 September 2015 on insurance and reinsurance activity. They allow data from CEPiK to be made available to insurers. The regulation indicates what traffic violations – crimes and offences, insurance companies will have information about. These are in particular:

– offences that are included in the Criminal Code, e.g.: manslaughter, driving without authorization, causing a catastrophe;

– offences that are included in the misdemeanor code, e.g.: driving an unlit vehicle, offences against pedestrians, causing a traffic safety hazard.

We would like to remind you that the purpose of providing this kind of information is to use it during the insurance risk assessment when concluding an insurance contract. Moreover, more information on this topic will allow for better individualization of premiums, which is a positive challenge for insurers. Although the granted powers may be used by insurance companies since June 17, obtaining the appropriate access certificates will determine when a particular insurer will introduce a tariff taking into account penalty points and fines.

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