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Insurance market in Europe

Insurance market in Europe

Dodano: 2022-07-07

„Insurance in Numbers 2021” is the title of a report recently published by the Polish Insurance Association. According to the information contained therein, Poland is the fifteenth insurance market in Europe, as far as the classification taking into account the total value of gross written premiums is concerned (omitting countries not belonging to the EU or EFTA).

In 2020, in the UK, which is on the top of the aforementioned list, the collected premium amounted to 249 billion euros. This amount is impressive, especially if we take into account the premium collected in Poland, which is in fifteenth place in the cited ranking, which amounted to 14 billion euros.

As experts point out, catching up with developed markets will continue for a long time to come.

„For all countries in our region, the problem remains the rather short duration of the commercial insurance market (about 30 years) and the lower level of society’s wealth, which limits interest in voluntary policies” said Pawel Kuczynski, president of the insurance comparison engine

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