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Increasing interest in non-cash payments

Increasing interest in non-cash payments

Dodano: 2022-06-09
Publikator: Foundation Poland Without Cash

The Foundation Poland Without Cash has published the results of a study on the payment habits of Poles.

The survey shows that in 2021 non-cash payments accounted for 57 percent of transactions at commercial and service points. This represents an increase of 3 p.p. compared to the previous year and 11 p.p. compared to 2019. The increase in the use of card payments observed at the beginning of the pandemic is not waning.

Cashless circulation has overtaken cash payments since 2020. The study shows that the use of cashless payment will be even higher in the future.

From the data published by the Foundation, we can also learn that men are more likely to make cashless payments – 59 percent compared to 54 percent on the female side. This difference is even greater if we take into account NFC payments, i.e. those using smartphone or smartwatch. Twice as many men as women pay this way.

The study „Payment habits and the development of card acceptance networks in Poland” was prepared by a team led by Michał Polasik, PhD, for the Foundation Poland Without Cash using Kantar telephone interviews (CATI) with a nationwide group of 1000 consumers.

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