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Higher insurance amounts for compulsory insurance

Higher insurance amounts for compulsory insurance

Dodano: 2019-01-08

On 31st December 2018 the amendment to the Act on Compulsory Insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau entered into force. The legal act increased the insurance amounts for compulsory insurance – motor insurance and agricultural insurance.

Since 1st January 2019 the insurance amounts are: 

  • in the case of personal injury, a minimum amount of cover EUR 5 210 000 per claim, whatever the number of victims;
  • in the case of damage to property, EUR 1 050 000 per claim, whatever the number of victims.

Moreover, the amendment defines the procedure in the case of a dispute between an insurance company and the Insurance Guarantee Fund as to establishing which entity has a compensation liability. According to the act, compensation is paid by an insurance company within of 30 days. If it turns out that the Fund should pay compensation, the institution will be obliged to return to an insurer the compensation amount and the additional costs incurred by the company in connection with the case. 

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