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Glapinski appointed central bank head

Glapinski appointed central bank head

Dodano: 2016-06-14

The Polish Sejm (lower house) on Friday (10.06.2016) appointed Adam Glapinski as governor of the National Bank of Poland (NBP). There were 284 votes for his candidacy, 124 against and 34 abstentions.

Glapinski has replaced Marek Belka.

President Andrzej Duda put forward Glapinski’s candidacy for NBP governor in early May. Glapinski was appointed NBP management board member in February. Before that, he was a member of the Monetary Policy Council (RPP).

Professor Glapinski (66) graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics in 1972 and has been the university’s academic employee since 1974. His other duties have included two ministerial posts and a range of public and business positions. 

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